Top Free Sites to Learn to Code

It seems like everybody is computer coding these days and if you don’t want to get left behind, you should probably start learning. Why should you learn how to code? Well, if you’re in need of a personal website and don’t want to pay someone a large sum, or if you would like to increase your job prospects, you should probably start learning how to code.

Below are the top sites that will teach you how to code for FREE.


KhanAcademy is mostly known for its tutorials on school subjects, but it also offers courses on programming.

The programming modules use JavaScript to show concepts that apply to coding in general, while also teaching some practical JavaScript skills. The courses are divided into a dozen categories, each of which has three to 12 separate lessons. Each video lesson animates the coding technique in a window on the left and shows the result of the code running in a window on the right. After you watch the code, the user then has to write the code that copies the operation. If your code isn’t right, the tutorial will give hints to help you correct the problem. has tutorials in HTML, CSS, XML, SQL, PHP, JQuery and JavaScript, among others. The site offers demos on building a website, server technologies and Web databases.

The JavaScript tutorial has 19 separate lessons that take an estimated 15 minutes to an hour to complete, along with eight to 12 lessons for HTML DOM and Browser BOM.


Quickly becoming known as an online education mecca, Coursera offers courses from millions of universities online free of charge.

Classes are available in five languages, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Chinese. You can also learn from professors from 62 universities.


Codeacademy’s sole focus is well, coding.

Take courses in APIs, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP and web fundamentals.


If you want to have some fun while learning to code, Code/Racer combines just that.

It’s an online racing game that forces you to learn to code quickly so that you get ahead on the racetrack. As you complete courses, you earn badges for your accomplishments.

MIT OpenCourseWare

Think of this as another way to get a top-tier education without the student loans or stress of an application. MIT has provided all of its course content to Web audiences, so that anyone can learn and take advantage of this highly regarded institution.

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