5 Interesting Things Black Nerds Want to See and Not See In 2015 (And You May Even Agree)


Pass the Sticks

For those not versed, “Pass the Sticks” refers most specifically to when a group of friends are playing Madden and someone is clearly getting the brakes beat off of them, but is stubborn in thinking that they will either have a huge comeback or will win the next game defiantly. Everybody in the room except said person knows this is bravado and has deemed that for the immediate future, ain’t no coming back from that butt whuppin. So the inclination is for the rest of the room to tell the loser they need to “pass the sticks” and let someone else get on. This analogy also works for Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and dancing with the pretty woman in the night club that hasn’t made eye contact with you for two songs, but has asked why your friend is so shy.