10 Extraordinary Black Pioneers Who Have Received a Nobel Prize


Ralph Bunche (Aug. 7, 1903 – Dec. 9, 1971)

Bunche was a political scientist and activist living and working during the Civil Rights Era. He helped develop the charter that the United Nations used for governance in 1945. Bunche became the first African-American to ever be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 for his work as assistant to the U.N. Palestine Commission. He helped create a short-lived peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Albert John Luthuli (c. 1898 – July 21, 1967)

Luthuli served as the president of the African National Congress from 1952 to 1967. The role of the Congress was to combat the white South African minority for equality. In 1960, he became the first African to gain the Nobel Prize in the peace category for his stance against apartheid.