6 Tech Giants That Signed Fat Checks to Help Black Students in STEM but Still Lack Diversity in Their Own Companies



IBM is perhaps one of the most confusing tech giants there is when it comes to diversity. It has been consistently praised as a leader in diversity for its donations to diversity-boosting programs and initiatives, yet it has been one of the most adamant companies when it comes to refusing to release a diversity report. Fast Company, a business and innovation site, slammed companies like IBM for touting labels of diversity when it seems as if they haven’t actually earned that title. It’s a concern that could be justified in the company’s own history. A report titled “Managing Diversity for Success: The Case of IBM,” it was revealed that the company was praised for being a leader in racial diversity prior to Louis Gerstner taking over in 1993. Gerstner was shocked to realize, however, that the company wasn’t as diverse as its titles made it seem, driving him to put together eight diversity task forces to try and create a better environment for workers of all genders and races. The tactics used to promote diversity can be applauded, but until IBM releases its diversity report, there is no way to confirm if IBM still stands as a multicultural leader in tech or if it ever did.