8 Famous Black Chefs From the Past and Present

uptown-chef-randallJoe Randall 

Randall is a veteran chef with 50 years of cooking experience. He was a student of chef Robert W. Lee and the founder of the Chef Randall Cooking School in Savannah, Georgia. As a young cook, he started working at the Harrisburger Hotel under Lee. Randall also has been an executive chef at the award-winning Cloister Restaurant and many others.

abbey-fiserAbby Fisher 

Fisher (c. 1832-1900) was one of the first Black people to produce a cookbook in the U.S. She published “What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking, Soups, Pickles, Preserves, Etc” in 1881 as one of the few cookbooks published by a former enslaved person. She moved to San Francisco and created a vibrant catering business before the 1900s.