8 Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read According to Neil deGrasse Tyson


The System of the World by Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton’s Principia states his laws of motion and universal gravitation.  According to Tyson, this book helps one “learn that the universe is a knowable place.”



On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species was published in 1859 and garnered attention because of its unique theories on evolutionary biology, the idea that all life has a common descent. Many of Darwin’s ideas conflicted with the thoughts of the day. According to Tyson, Darwin’s book is a good read “to learn of our kinship with all other life on Earth.”

5 Replies to “8 Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read According to Neil deGrasse Tyson”

  1. This is a crying shame. A SO-CALLED BLACK MAN SUGGESTS NO AFROCENTRIC BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WHAT ABOUT: Destruction of Black Civilization by: Dr. Chancellor Williams, The Isis Papers by Dr. Francis Cress Wesling, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Tony Browder, Black Labor White Wealth by Dr. Claud Anderson, THE BOOKs HE NEEDS TO READ THE MOST: Yurugu by Marimba Ani and Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James.

  2. Why does he have to suggest anything Afrocentric? The books he recommends speak of universal truths and many of hundreds if not thousands of years old. Does anyone deny the greatness of books written by black men and women by virtue of these towering works of literature? Of course not.

  3. The bible was written by Black men read "A call to the Hebrews," by Mawuvi.Powerful book ,it can be researched on the black history site.

  4. It is a shame, but if you have ever listened to him speak you will gather that he not into that type of reading.

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