Skydrop Is The Smart Sprinkler System You Need To Save You Water and Your Brown Lawn

  Water Smarter! The Skydrop smart watering sprinkler controller is an amazing innovation that brings home automation to your sprinklers. Skydrop is very simple to use with its interactive jog dial and menu screens to give you full control of your landscape watering. Also, skydrop actually monitors and analyzes local weather every day to determine …

This Neat Home-Locking System Will Allow You to Lock and Unlock From Your Smartphone

  The August Smart Lock provides intelligent, secure access to your home. Now you can control who can enter and who can’t—without the need for keys or codes. And you can do it all from your smartphone. August Smart Lock’s encrypted technology is safer than keys that can get lost or codes that can be copied. …

8 Examples of Possible Life on Other Planets and Moons in Our Solar System

Titan Saturn’s largest moon has hydrocarbon lakes that could support life. Out of all the celestial bodies in our solar system, Titan has a makeup that could give potential alien life a chance at existence. Europa Europa is one of Jupiter’s many moons and has enough water to support life. Underneath an icy surface is …

New PlayStation 4 Will Add 1TB of Storage to Already Powerful System

According to The Financial Express, the ‘Ultimate Player Edition’ PS4 comes with double storage, meaning 1TB, and will be released across Europe on July 15. There is no news on a wider release as of yet. This new PS4 will be a direct response to Microsoft’s new Xbox One, which will also have more storage …

New Features, Advancements Revealed for Apple’s New Operating System

Apple’s new OS could bridge the gap between your laptop and your phone. The Yosemite Operating System will focus on sleek app design, speed and reliability that current operating systems may not offer. According to Ian Sherr and Shara Tibken for, “some of the key new features included advancements for its Spotlight search function, allowing users to ask it about …

Georgia Tech Highlights Black Men in STEM

For almost a decade, the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees awarded to Black males has not increased nationwide. So Georgia Tech put together a national panel May 5 in Washington, D.C., to discuss the issue and provide solutions to increase the graduation rates of Black men in STEM fields. The panel was led by Gary May, …

5 Interesting Reasons Why Black Students Are Steering Clear of STEM Fields

  Americans of all shades are not very good in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects.   In a report from Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries, “among the 34 members, the United States performed below average in mathematics in 2012 and is ranked 27th.” The United States does not focus on STEM careers …