1. The Ratio of Comedy to Action (Pacing)
One of the reasons why I’m such a Joss Whedon fan is because I appreciate how he can flawlessly incorporate humor, usually in the form of witty dialogue, with drama and action. And Age of Ultron is hilarious. You really can’t beat the humor in this one. I think it even surpassed its predecessor, which had many great moments on its own. However, some of the humorous moments caused the movie to lag and affected its overall pacing. Take, for example, Tony Stark’s soiree in the beginning of the movie, during which there was a lot of Avengers bro action, jokes and flirting (see No. 5). I loved seeing the Avengers’ chemistry as they casually socialized, but the scene felt drawn out, especially compared to some of the action scenes we see later with Ultron. And speaking of Ultron …