9 Robots That Could Take Your Job In 2015

In our modern world we will be interacting with robots that at some point in time had a person doing its job. Robots might make the consumer happier but robots are taking away human jobs at a record pace, according to Deloitte . Even though the report is about jobs in the United Kingdom, it is still a global phenomenon. If this continues—and it will—the unemployment rate will also increase as the world’s population increases as well.


Sales Clerks

Most stores like Walmart and Kroger have begun to push self-help checkouts. The self-checkouts have made the consumer more independent but has taken away jobs for needy people. At this point, those machines need a human to work out the occasional bugs and help customers who have issues, but in the near future people will not need to oversee them anymore.


Hotel Concierge

Just like the self-checkout, these machine concierges will take away human concierges.


8 Top Technology Jobs You Should Anticipate in the Coming Year


E-Personal Assistants

Apple’s Siri will influence many new products to develop digital assistants. Adding an e-personal assistant to support an existing product and/or service will create many new careers. It also means that people can be digital assistants as businesses move on the Internet.

Artificial Intelligence

Advanced Robotics and Automation

Artificial Intelligence and Siri-like voice communications will create many new career opportunities from design, programming and installation to service and maintenance, to name just a few. Robots are now in the sky as drones and in the surgery room.

10 Nerdiest Superheroes of All Time

Most superheroes were geeks before gaining their unearthly abilities. There are certainly more than 10 that can be listed below. For example, the X-Men’s Beast is a nerd, but, in a fight, he isn’t. Among the criteria for this list is that nerdiness must help in the fight of villains. These characters use their nerdiness to build their costumes, build tech, or they have nerdy powers in general.


Prodigy  (Marvel)

David Alleyne is a member of the Young Avengers. He has the power to mimic the knowledge of any person he meets. He also can retain that knowledge forever.


Brainiac 5 (DC Comics)

Querl Dox is related to the Superman villain of the same name, but he is a good guy. Dox is a member of the Legion of Superheroes in the 31st century. He is really smart. He has a 12th-level intellect, which makes him one of the smartest people in DC Comics.

9 Top Math Apps to Refresh Your Child’s Brain

Math can be a child’s toughest subject. But with the use of technology, it can be a lot easier.


Peter Pig’s Money Coin Counter

App Specs: Helps kids practice sorting, counting and identifying the value of U.S. coins to earn virtual money.

Ages: 4 to 7

Price: Free

For: Android


Let’s Do the Math

App Specs: Has 50 word problems that focus on addition and subtraction. The app can be used either as flash cards or as a series of puzzles to teach basic concepts.

Ages: 6 and up

Price: Free

For: Android

14 Comic Book Heroes Who Could Actually Exist In the Real World Today


Captain America (Marvel Comics)

Capt. America is an over-exaggerated parkour practitioner. It is possible to mimic his actions with a lot training in boxing and parkour.


Black Panther (Marvel Comics)

Like Iron man and Batman, Black Panther has wealth. Like Capt. America he is a martial artist and parkour practitioner. Any fighter in the real world willing to learn non-Asian fighting styles can be Black Panther.

10 Ways Technology Has Changed the Way We Do Everyday Functions During the Past Decade



With Internet speeds becoming faster, anyone with a laptop can create a business and sell a service or product. The number of home-based jobs has been on the rise in the last decade because companies have found that to be cheaper and more profitable than having a physical location for all workers.


Events like Black Friday have become less meaningful because the Internet has made shopping easy. From your phone or laptop, you can get anything you want. Many sites like Amazon offer free shipping; so stores seem like they could become a thing of the past.

5 Offensive Stereotypes Reinforced by Video Games That Need to End

Video games are a fun pastime that almost anyone can take part in. However, there are elements to video games that reinforce negative stereotypes about women of all races and minorities. There have been Internet critics like Anita Sarkeesian who spoke volumes about the dangers of video games and how people are perceived in the stories. With that being said, there are positive Black characters out there. But stereotypes, for the most part, drive the narratives of many games such as Grand Theft Auto.


Black-Aggressive Stereotype

In a lot of video games, Black characters have the meanest faces and tend to be viewed as the most aggressive and violent, even if they are doing the exact same thing as whites. According to Brad Bushman, professor of communication and psychology at The Ohio State University, “Playing a violent video game as a black character reinforces harmful stereotypes that blacks are violent.” In his study, he learned that white players saw Black people to be more violent.

In the first of two experiments, 126 white university students, 60 percent of them men, played the action game Saints Row 2. Some were given a white avatar, the others a Black avatar. Some players had a violent goal, and others a nonviolent one.

Researchers found that the volunteers who played with the violent goal as a Black character “showed stronger explicit negative attitudes toward blacks” compared to volunteers who pursued the violent goal with the white character.

22 Of The Most Amazing African American Entrepreneurs Of All Time

clara20brownClara Brown

Colorado was one of the sites for the gold rush in the 1850s. Brown moved to Central City, Colorado, established a successful laundry and bought real estate. Brown was the first woman and first Black person inducted into the Society of Colorado Pioneers.

paul20cuffePaul Cuffe

Cuffe was the son of an Ashanti man from Ghana and a Wampanoag Native American woman from Massachusetts. In the 1700s, he was a prominent sea captain whose ships and all-Black crews worked the Atlantic Coast and sailed to Europe and Africa.


Charles Clinton Spaulding, Aaron McDuffie Moore and John Merrick

In 1898, these men founded the first Black-owned insurance company. In 1934, the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. was the nation’s largest Black-owned business, and it is still one of the oldest Black-owned businesses in the U.S.

isaac_myersIsaac Myers

Myers organized fired ship workers, raised funds from Black churches and bought a shipyard that won a government contract. Myers let whites join his union, but his efforts to integrate white unions were stifled.

7 Clever Technologies Inspired by Nature


Spider Silk

Spider silk is one of nature’s strongest materials. Scientists have created a medical product that can be peeled off a wound without damaging the tissue underneath, but it is still strong enough to protect when attached.


Gecko’s Grip

There is an adhesive in development that will be made of millions of plastic fibers and can support almost a pound of weight. The amazing thing is that the material gets stronger with use.


Thirsty Beetles

The Namib Desert beetle collects water by condensing fog into droplets on the ridges of its back. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a bumpy material made of glass and plastic that recreates that process.

9 Major Changes You Should Know About That Transformed Social Media This Year

twitterlogoandbirdTwitter and Tumblr’s social impact in topics ranging from Ferguson, Missouri, to immigration reform has revolutionized and revitalized social activism in the United States.



New App: Twitter Small Business Planner.



Apple iCloud was shown not to be a very safe way to store photos and other personal items. Celebrity nude photos that were leaked earlier this year may lead to changes that can help to improve the security of the product.