This Nick Jr. animated series was produced by Bill Cosby to educate and entertain young children. The show was unique and has yet to be duplicated. It ran from 1999-2004. It featured some of the most talented Black and Hispanic actors in Hollywood including the late Ruby Dee, the late Gregory Hines, Phylicia Rashad and Rosie Perez.
Vince LaSalle from Recess
Vince comes off as a walking stereotype: the cool, athletic, Black kid everybody likes. However, the character is much more complex because the show creators had some of the best writing the 1990s had in animation. This Disney Channel cartoon aired from 1997-2001.
Seriously this was horrible! No Static Shock? No Green Lantern from Cartoon network's JL/JLU? You couldn't find any black characters from GI Joe? You do know they made a MIB tv show? No Black characters from Bleach or any other anime? You do know that the Jackson 5 had an animated show?