This Fox TV show was created by Eddie Murphy, Larry Wilmore and Steve Tompkins. The show was essentially the 1970s show Good Times transformed into a stop-motion animated comedy with voice talent including Murphy, Ja’net Dubois and Loretta Devine. It aired from 1999-2002.
Lana (voiced by Aisha Tyler) is one of the co-stars of this super-spy comedy. She is a female agent equipped with two Tec-9s who is willing to do anything to complete the mission. Also, Lana has an off-and-on relationship with Archer on the show. The series currently airs on FX.
Seriously this was horrible! No Static Shock? No Green Lantern from Cartoon network's JL/JLU? You couldn't find any black characters from GI Joe? You do know they made a MIB tv show? No Black characters from Bleach or any other anime? You do know that the Jackson 5 had an animated show?