6 Little-Known Facts About Blacks in Gaming

playstation-4Black Gamers Play Video Games More

In 2011, there were many different reports that made the case that Black and Hispanic gamers were the most active gamers out there. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “African American youth between the ages of 8 and 18 play games 30 minutes more per day than white youth, while Hispanics play an average of 10 minutes more.” A Nielsen study came to the conclusion that Black gamers from 18 to 49 spent 16 minutes using a TV to play console games. Both studies conclude that Black gamers play games more than anyone else due to socioeconomic determinants, but that has not been proven by data.

5 Things About Video Games Some Nerds Wish They Could Eliminate

As a gamer, I’ve spent a lot of time and money on games. I live and breathe these games. I’ll continue to support this market, but I want a few things in return:

This list was originally published by Anissa Hanley at Black Nerd Problems

Don’t Try to Fool Me With Your False Advertising

I get excited when I see a commercial or trailer for a new game. The first thing I critique is how clean the graphics are. Then how awesome the storyline is. Now, I get really pissed when I see a trailer that looks like this:


And the game really looks like this:


Ad agencies only seem to show the cutscenes from the game when advertising it and not the actual gameplay. Sometimes, they’ll portray a game in a way that has nothing to do with its aesthetic and falsely advertises it. This happens mostly with mobile games. Stop trying to fool us, WE’RE ON TO YOU!

6 Best Video Game Controllers Of All Time That Changed Gaming Forever

First and foremost, don’t judge how my mind operates, alright? Seventy-four percent of you are probably going to be reading this like, “Who really got time to write about console controllers?” This ain’t for you, this for the 26%. What brought me to this is my recent purchase of a Wii U solely for the new Smash Bros video game. I was holding the Wii U controller thinking, “What is this? Back in my day the controller wasn’t a watered down I-pad. We had real controllers! …Stupid next gen consoles with your loud music and HD graphics!!”

This got me thinking about all the good controllers of yester-year and if I’m going to war, which I’d take with me. Everyone is going to have their personal favorite controllers dependent on their console of preference; I’ll try and touch on every– you know what? I’m not even going to try and be non-bias. I’m not sorry about it either.

This list is presented by Omar Holmon at Blacknerdproblems.

Nintendo Classic Controller


I just have to pay homage to the godfather of controllers (No, I’m not going to give it to Atari. That one wasn’t comfortable. Sorry, [Not really]). I’m not sure if I should call this the standard handgun of console controllers or the musket of controllers. It was pretty easy to work, easily accessible for everyone, didn’t take any real skill to handle. The Super Nintendo controller felt like an upgrade. The two extra buttons (extended clip) and the additional L & R buttons up top (scope). It was a great addition to a classic.

7 Black Celebrities You Many Not Have Known Were Serious Gamers

Once viewed as a phenomena amongst nerds and closet geeks, video games were not always “trending.” But now they’re hot, as evidenced by this list of seven Black celebrity gamers, according to Supercheats and ModVive.


Samuel L. Jackson

The thing is, like his choices in film and TV, Jackson has played some very targeted and influential roles in video games as a voice actor. Jackson talked about his early game play experiences starting with Pong and moving on to Atari and arcade games like Space Invaders, but admits that today he has total enthusiasm for games like Assassin’s Creed, or really any first-person shooter. While he has a special place in his heart for the GTA series, and an addiction to the Fallout series, he gets a lot of mileage out of his heavy daily play in GTA Online and Call of Duty.

How the Gaming Community Can Provide an Outlet to an ‘Outsider’

Here’s the truth: I’m scared. This fear is borne from a lack of cultural and individual identity, a haze of uncertainty within which my poetry is immersed. I often concede this fear to that of a common human need; that is, to belong. I was born in Georgetown, Guyana, and raised in Plaisance, Guyana, right in front of the Atlantic Ocean until the age of 9. I then moved to East Orange, New Jersey, of the United States. Guyana, for most who aren’t aware, is just about 50 percent Black and 50 percent Indian. I fell somewhere in between as a small percentage of the Indian population include a mix of Portuguese blood. This mix obviously left me with a bit of a culturally ambiguous look on my face at most parties. East Orange was a tremendous culture shock for me; my introduction to the United States was in an Abbott school district that was predominantly Black and below the poverty line. All this is to say, I’ve had to learn things on the fly about cultures that I borrowed from throughout my life and retained little to none of what cultural identity I can call my own. Enter gaming.

One of the major keystones in my life is being introduced to the modern computer (I use this term loosely) when I arrived in the United States. While I gamed at the arcade in Guyana wasting untold amounts of money playing Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Battletoads, I was christened as a gamer when I donned that Windows 3.11 PC that my uncle gave to me and my brother. This, however, was just the building block to an addiction that would wholly evolve throughout my formative years. Being a migrant with migrant parents, I obviously was not allowed to leave the house in this “strange land” that was my hood, so I ultimately withdrew into Destruction Derby and learning how to emulate GameBoy titles on my computer so that I could play Pokemon (both Red and Blue titles) on my computer while all of my friends traded Pokemon via their handhelds by day and I watched from the shadows with great envy.

What many would consider a secluded, sheltered and possibly unhealthy upbringing in gaming, I saw as both liberating and safe. Safe, in that I could ask the questions and work toward the answers for myself for the first time under the guise of gaming’s myopic lens.

Read more from Ian Khadan at blacknerdproblems.com